A short film by David Useche Genre: DRAMA / THRILLER English title: Doctor Dumont Language: Spanish Jean Dumont, un reconocido psiquiatra que se encuentra en medio de la realización de su tesis de Doctorado “El Origen de la Locura”, se encuentra en un estado de alteración emocional que le lleva a tener continuos sueños relacionados con eventos violentos y uso …
A short film by Jerónimo Sarmiento Estonian title: JAHILOOM Genre: DRAMA / NATURE / COMING OF AGE Language: ESTONIAN Run time: 25 min. Year: 2018 During the harsh Estonian winter, 15-year-old Liis joins a group of teenagers for an unusual hunting game in the forest. Hoping to fit in with them, she is opportunely paired with the boy she likes. …
A short film by Jerónimo Sarmiento Genre: DRAMA Language: SPANISH / ENGLISH Run time: 20 min. Year: 2017 Clementine, a British flight attendant in her mid 30’s, gets stranded in Bogota for one night due to complications with her crew schedule. Just like the spacecraft also named Clementine, which never returned to Earth, she seems to wander. Directed and written …
A film by David Useche Artist: Postmodernism Language: ENGLISH Run time: 5 min. Year: 2017 A hybrid project between fiction film and music video creates a chaotic universe in response to our postmodern times. Three different intertwined stories reflect the drama of consumerism, escapism, love, loneliness, and suicide. Written and directed by David Useche Produced by Chiara …
Dance film by David Useche Run time: 7 min. Year: 2014 Based on fragments of the texts by Archaic Greek poet Safo de Mitilene, “Safo, The Spring Messenger” is a dance-video piece, which in an expressive and poetic way exposes an instant of Mitilene’s life, a contemporary dancer who is at the same time desired and envied by the gods …
A film by Jerónimo Sarmiento Language: ENGLISH Run time: 12 min. Year: 2020 Following artist Alexandra Wuzyk project “A Human Interaction”, this experimental and oneiric film shows the thought processes of the artist, while also reflecting on the images of human interactions in the city of Brussels. A hybrid project between portrait paintings, drawings, video, and social experiments create a …
A short film by Jerónimo Sarmiento English title: SCHISM Genre: DRAMA Language: SPANISH Run time: 23 min. Year: 2011 Only through painting images Daniel will be able to find the trail of his daughter and his own life: Diluted memories. Fugitive images. Memory shreds. Written and directed by Jerónimo Sarmiento Produced by Camilo Romero Edited by Andrés Arizmendy …
A short film by David Useche English title: PRELUDE Genre: DRAMA Language: SPANISH Run time: 18 min. Year: 2006 Shot on 16mm, Prelude is a poetic film set in a dystopian countryside universe where water has disappeared. The film tells the story of a young countryside man who decides to venture himself on a journey through the barren lands trying …
A film by Jerónimo Sarmiento (In development) Genre: PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER Language: SPANISH Run time: 90 min. Sara arrives at the unexplored and recently abandoned Gorgona Island with the mission of studying a lizard in danger of extinction, but among the indecipherable jungle is confronted by the oneiric mystery of a jaguar-man. Directed by Jerónimo Sarmiento Produced by Chiara …