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The Origin of Madness


A short film by David Useche


English title: Doctor Dumont

Language: Spanish

Jean Dumont, un reconocido psiquiatra que se encuentra en medio de la realización de su tesis de Doctorado “El Origen de la Locura”, se encuentra en un estado de alteración emocional que le lleva a tener continuos sueños relacionados con eventos violentos y uso de sustancias psicoactivas, y que se acentúa con la distancia que tiene con su novia, Lana, quien se encuentra en Italia estudiando música. Como parte de su proceso de investigación, investiga los casos de sus pacientes para lograr comprender la raíz de sus problemas y encontrar una solución para la locura. Su estado emocional y la intensidad de su trabajo  le llevan a perder la capacidad de diferenciar el mundo de los sueños, del mundo real. // Jean Dumont, a renowned psychiatrist who is in the middle of the completion of his Ph.D. thesis “The Origin of Madness”, is in a state of emotional disturbance that leads him to have continuous dreams related to violent events and psychoactive substance abuse, and that is accentuated by the distance he has with his girlfriend, Lana, who is in Italy studying music. As part of his research process, he investigates the cases of his patients to understand the root of their problems and find a solution to the madness. His emotional state and the intensity of his work lead him to lose the ability to differentiate the world of madness from the “real” one.